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Condo Managers

Teaming up with PG Laval means ensuring proactive claims management, transparent communication and collaboration based on trust. Find out how we simplify claims management for condo managers, allowing you to focus on what matters.

Unrivaled responsiveness

Premiere Generale, your ideal partner in disaster restoration, is aimed at condominium managers keen to optimize the management of their property. Here's why working with us is the key to efficient, worry-free management:

Renovated Building

Unrivaled responsiveness

In the event of a disaster, our team of experts is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We intervene quickly to minimize damage and ensure a rapid resumption of activities.


Transparent communication: We understand the importance of clear and timely communication. Our platform provides real-time tracking of project status, estimates and critical data.


Unrivaled responsiveness

Our technicians and project managers benefit from ongoing training in the latest restoration techniques. This expertise guarantees interventions that meet the highest standards


Advanced technology

Premiere Generale constantly invests in cutting-edge IT tools, thus optimizing our operations for effective claims management.


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